
thousands of grains of salt

I tend to be inspired by a lot of things. hurt by more things. and intimidated by most things.
at times, crawling in to a unseen dark corner seems to be the best option... minutes later, I want to build something new and poetic and become universely famous. and on days where neither one of those options will do, 'why bother' and 'whatever' become my closest friends. chaos.
my poor husband never knows what the day is going to be like.

besides that too-much-information bit, things of the external nature have been a blizzard. the trip to Los Angeles was ho-hum but still required the attention a 'weekend trip' requires... packing, trips to the airport, and buying crap to prove we were there. I finally completed my event photos last week but ran out of time to deliver them due to a trip to Las Vegas over this past weekend... which was a little too indulgent considering all of my personal to-do items awaiting me elsewhere. by the time I return from these frequent whirlwinds, I am too exhausted to tie off all the loose ends I had so ambitiously created.
Kathleen... always running behind. figuratively and literally speaking.

the to-do list...
...crossing Bouchon off
...crossing a Cirque de Soleil off
...adding eat less
...adding run more
...adding get over things immediately

how to read in Los Angeles

cherries in Las Vegas

my personal ant farm

1 comment:

laura jean said...

i miss looking at that ant farm.