
two thousand and ten

wow. February? where did YOU come from.

2010 went by like a very low-flying plane... you freeze - mouth agape - remember the dumbest memory you have on the top of your brain (like sucking up a row of skittles off the dining room table like an addict and almost choking), and hold your breath as it eerily passes over you going much much faster than it looks like its going. and then lands at the airport nearby that you forgot about.
at least - that's what happens to me.

I'm not saying 2010 landed at a nearby airport. I guess I'm saying... it was thrilling, scarey, humorous, lovely, angry, and then... somewhat of a relief. maybe.

2010. in 3,000 words or less.

. welcomed the new year Jersey Shore style .

. went to a party as Lady Gaga. was it a costume party? no .

. gave indoor soccer another kick .

. had an enormous amount of caffeine .

. jumped for joy when one of my besty's got engaged .

. had important decisions to make .

. *Biebered... everyone .

. like I said. everyone .

. raised money for Diabetes in the Tour de Cure ride .

. completed a duathlon .

. meandered in India .

. learned that... you can only plan parts of your life. the rest? you need to spend living .

. swung .

. watched my best friend experience the happiest day of her life .

. saw Lady Gaga .

. loitered in Europe .

. experienced football in Seattle .

. performed an epic Top Gun musical for Halloween at work .

. cried at a good friend's wedding .

. took wedding photos for a close friend. and then drank. and danced. a lot .

. made an awesomely ugly sweater .

I'm exhausted.

so what did you do? what is your numero uno item that 2010 brought you? best submission (according to yours truly) gets a high 5.

in other news...
...baby, it's cold outside. but - not for long
...* Biebered. verb. (bee - burr - ed) refers to the action of surprising someone with the amazing face of current hip hop star Justin Bieber. is usually accompanied by a gasp and then the sudden appearance of Kathleen Lindenmuth.