
some day

All you people with motivational issues, nice to meet you. You there, the one without goals, me TOO. Need more monkeys but, that's the whole barrel?* I find myself in that situation a lot.

In The Beginning, of this long Thanksgiving weekend, I ran my first 5k. The remainder of the leftover-weekend was spent deliberating. I imagined a new job and began writing my article for Women's Health magazine - I don't work for them but, I may some day. I ran hills until I stopped - I'm not a runner but, I may be some day. I signed up for a second 5k three days after my first and I did not go - I'm not committed but, I may be some day.

Some day a motive. Some day a goal. Some day an exponential amount of barrels of monkeys.

In all my 'some day' rage from the weekend, I sent a note out to a woman who had an essay featured in Women's Health and followed that with hours of anticipation. She fell in to that - what I consider - insane group of people who run for fun. But she began her essay as I begin this story - she thought people who ran for fun were nuts. And yet there she went, training for 5 months before running a half marathon - crazy lady. Well, she replied and made a very good attempt at making me believe not that nothing is impossible, but rather that Impossible is Nothing.

And while her words are inspiring, I can't help but notice the focus is on what is POSSIBLE and not what is REALISTIC. Call me pessimistic, call me weak-spirited, unambitious, apathetic... I am not a motivational speaker. My feelings will not be hurt. But, and maybe this is a step for mankind in and of itself, I won't believe Impossible is Nothing until I've felt it with my own feet and lungs.

Some day.

*Mr. Potato Head "We need more monkeys!". Mrs. Potato Head "That's the whole barrel!".


Amy said...

Yay, I'm the first to comment! Very well written I must say. If I was an English teacher I would return your paper with very little red marks and an A for Absolutely Astonishing (ick...I hate baloney), but I'm not, I'm just a science teacher sitting here at work (starting my 12th hour of the day) racking my brain on how I can teach my 110 freshmen about the wonders of paper chromotography.

Hopefully your some day comes sooner than you are imagining and hopefully some day I can join you on your excursions.

Until then, smooches!

Marisa said...

Boo! I wanted to be the first to comment! Glad you're getting w/ the program and joining the blogosphere. After the amount of stuffing I ate, I will need to run WAY more than 10K to work it off.
Speaking of eating too much...let's have another pizza run soon. I miss you guys!! xoxoxo

Unknown said...

My friend Tim, currently staring at a blogger screen in Korean, said...

DO IT!!! Run the marathons -- I've got faith in you!

I've gotten myself into an exercise program and it's been the best thing in my life for the past 6 months. I know you've been running for a while, but maybe if you didn't have any specific goals it could be boring, unfulfilling and anticlimactic. So set some goals -- short term and long term. And get started now!

And you better not flake on this blog -- now that you've announced it to everyone. But no pressure, Kath, no pressure. Just know that everyday that I come home from a long day of work and have no new blog to read is a day of grave disappointment. That's all.